* The photo above shows a young boy looking at the world before embarking on his life long learning adventure. Will he be confident in his brain power and his God given ability to learn or will he believe the lies that others may tell him about his abilities?
One of the most common reasons we can’t change our brain is because we believe lies about our learning. Satan doesn’t want us to improve our learning. Jesus describes Satan’s role on earth: “There is no truth in him. When he lies he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.”
I believe if learners could actually accept the truth about their ability to improve their learning the world would be a different place!
My students developed a list of lies that they believe impair their performance. Read the list and see if any of them apply to you :
- My brain will never get any better than it is today.
- No sense dreaming about the future; it is what it is
- I’m too old.
- Other people learn better than me.
- I’ll never get this subject.
- It is better to avoid what you don’t know than to go for it.
- This task is too hard for me.
- Making mistakes means I can’t do it.
- Here we go again just like the old days.
- God will not show up to support my efforts!
Kingdom thinking involves knowing the truth that Jesus changes people’s lives through prayer. Pastor Bill Johnson of Bethel Church has said:”Any situation where you feel no hope is a lie from Satan.”
When I was a young man, I suffered from what is now called Dyslexia, which means a serious inability to read. I used to carry big books to make people think I was smart and could read.
Dyslexia is treatable and today I can read very well!
Do any of these lies influence you?
Later this month we will have a prayer in the prayer section to break free!