Rest Prayer

Jesus, I realize how often I rush around because I need people to approve of me.
I ask you Lord to help me to center on being in your presence and receiving your love rather than needing to please others.
I declare I want more of your kingdom and less of worldly performance.
Help my brain to rest in you.
Jesus, I hand you my need to perform and please others. What do you give me in return?
What did Jesus give you in return?



Prayer to get to sleep

I hand my cares and concerns of the day to you Lord.They belong to you. I ask you Lord, to close the gates of concern. I


This prayer was submitted by my friend Pastor Bill Kline. After reading it I realized how many memory problems are caused by thoughts and old

Rearrange the brain

Lord Jesus, I give you permission to rearrange the furniture in my brain.  I command, in Jesus’ name, that my neurons be conformed to the

Generational prayer/abortion

You might wonder how the subject of abortion found its way into this website.It has been my practical experience that after 45 years of working

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